Exit of mould of peaceful wave port jumps

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  • source:GAENOR CNC Machining
According to statistic of peaceful wave custom, mould of port of peaceful in April wave and forehead of exit of its spare parts achieve 1 ~ 1976.

40 thousand dollar, grow 84 compared to the same period.

87% . Basically present 3 characteristics: The first, general commerce is given priority to, achieve 1935.

970 thousand dollar, 97 what hold total.

95 % . The 2nd, private enterprise development is rapid, exit forehead is 824.

890 thousand dollar, grow 90 compared to the same period.

48% , occupy 41 all.

73 % . The 3rd, on product structure, plastic or balata is used model modular exit forehead is 1707.

80 thousand dollar, occupy 86.

41% . CNC Milling CNC Machining